Portrait of George Borrow

The George Borrow Society was founded to promote the life and works of George Borrow: we have regular events, publish news and research on George Borrow. Our website contains a lot of information about George Borrow, all produced by our members: click on the menu buttons at the top of the pages, or the useful links at the side.

Forthcoming events

Members of the Society will already have been informed of these via email.

27th July 2024 As usual in July, we will lay a wreath on George Borrow's grave at Brompton Cemetery, Fulham Road, London SW10 9UG. We will meet at the gates at 11 am and walk to the grave, before adjourning to a nearby hostelry for a Borrovian meal.
17th-20th September 2024 George Borrow Society Conference at the Hand Hotel, Bridge Street, Llangollen LL20 8PL - more details to follow but please put the dates in your diary!
7th December 2024 George Borrow Society Christmas meal in London — details to be confirmed nearer the time, but please put this date in your diary too.
2025 A conference in Norwich is in the early stages of planning — more details to follow.

For our previous events please see the George Borrow Society page.