Fraser, Angus, Borrow’s Source for Colonel Blood, a note.
Bean, Thomas, One last look at the Great Liverpool affair, a note.
Nuttall, David, Borrow and Bury St Edmunds (1), a note.
Ridler, Ann M., ‘Cold is the snow on Snowdons brow’ — Borrow plagiarized!
Rogerson, Ian, A Review of Francis Hindes Groome’s article on Gypsies in Chambers’s Encyclopaedia.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow as a source for James Joyce.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow as a source for Vita Sackville-West and Violet Trefusis.
Nuttall, David, George Borrow in Cornwall: The George Borrow Society Week-end at Liskeard, July 1997.
Cann, Kathleen, Following Borrow to Bodmin Moor.
Payton, Philip, The Cornish Identity.
Gendall, Jan, George Borrow and Cornish Traditions.
Gendall, Dick, The Cornish Language with Special Reference to George Borrow.
Kabell, Inge, George Borrow’s friend John Hasfeld.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 15 (Spring 1998)
Chandler, David, Borrow’s Robinson Crusoe.
Shepheard, Richard, Fellow Poets — Borrow and John Clare.
Jones, Mervyn, Borrow and Horses (II).
Fraser, Angus, Lucy Brightwell.
Shepheard, Richard, The Crow Inn — A Researcher’s Omission, an appreciation and response to Mervyn Jones.
Lauridsen, Hanne and Kabell, Inge, George Borrow and Denmark, a note.
Kabell, Inge, George Borrow and Hasfeld, a note.
Fraser, Angus, Nikolai Ivanovich Grech, a note.
Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Juan, Borrow and shipwrecks, a query.
Nuttall, David, Borrow and Bury St Edmunds (2), being some notes on the Borrows’ Circle of Friends in Bury St Edmunds.
Gordon, J., ‘Promiscuous Hospitality‘, a query.
Hyde, George, Borrow and D.H. Lawrence.
Skillman, Mike, Young Borrow in Edinburgh, an exploration.
Ridler, Ann M., Review of George Borrow and Denmark, by Inge Kabell & Hanne Lauridsen.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 16 (Autumn 1998)
Kabell, Inge, The Wild Hills of Wales. The George Borrow Weekend in the Ceiriog Valley, July 1998.
Ridler, Ann M., The Cambrian Archaeological Association Weekend — “George Borrow’s Other Visits to Wild Wales”, 2-4 October 1998.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow’s Political Views (Part I): Introductory.
Missler, Peter, ‘The most considerable of them all’: Rey Romero, Borrow’s bookseller in Santiago.
Stanley, Phyllis, Mary Borrow’s Account Book (The Yarmouth Years).
Watkins, Paul, Will the real Hopping Ned please stand up, a note.
Ridler, Ann M., An early reader of The Bible in Spain (Catherine Sinclair).
Fraser, Angus, Three postscripts, a note.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow and Dogs, a note.
Shepheard, Richard, Some notes on George Borrow from Thomas Hake and Arthur Compton Rickett’s The Life and Letters of Theodore Watts-Dunton.
Nuttall, David, Borrow and Bury St Edmunds (3), a note.
Skillman, Mike, Borrow in Wiltshire.
Kabell, Inge, Some Additional Notes on John Hasfeld.
Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Juan, Borrow and shipwrecks, a further note.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 17 (Spring 1999)
Fraser, Angus, Borrow’s Political Views (Part 2): Domestic Politics.
Missler, Peter, Of Truth, Mistrust and Treasure-hunts.
Laurie, Kedrun, A.S. Hartrick and Wild Wales: a Post-Impressionist’s view of Borrow?
Lauridsen, Hanne and Kabell, Inge, Translating 'Kong Christian' — with special emphasis on George Borrow’s three English versions of this Danish song/poem.
Shepheard, Richard, Peer and Pauper [on Lord William Hervey].
Fraser, Angus, Thomas and Ann Borrow’s account book, a note.
Fraser, Angus, Mission aborted, a note.
Skillman, Mike, Dee Cottage — becoming a place of pilgrimage?, a note.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 18 (Autumn 1999)
Fraser, Angus, Borrow’s Political Views (Part 3): Ireland.
Todd, Alan, The School in Clonmel.
Shepheard, Richard, Peer and Pauper (2) [on Isopel Berners].
Missler, Peter, The bandit of Castellana, a note.
Mencher, Barrie, Armenian letters: a reply to Angus Fraser’s query.
Hopkins, Simon, Armenian letters: a reply to Angus Fraser’s query.
Skillman, Mike, The Railway Hotel, Holyhead, a note.
Laurie, Kedrun, Leslie Stephen and George Borrow, a note.
Laurie, Kedrun, Borrow in Richmond Park, a query.
Mount, David, George Borrow and his Circle in Bury St Edmunds: The George Borrow Society Weekend XX4 July 1999.
Nuttall, David, The Harveys.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow and the Hakes.
Jones, T. Hughie, The Two Vagabonds — Donne and Borrow.
Mount, David, The George Borrow Society Weekend, July 1999 (2).
George Borrow Bulletin nº 19 (Spring 2000)
Fraser, Angus, Borrow’s Political Views (Part 4): Foreign and Imperial Affairs.
Chandler, David, The 1996 UEA Conference Papers: A Brief History and Location Guide.
Ridler, Ann M., George Borrow and William Taylor; a Fireside Conversation.
Chandler, David, Lavengro’s portrayal of William Taylor’s Opinions.
Missler, Peter, Passion of a Gypsy Luke.
Mencher, Barrie, Borrow and the Jews.
Ridler, Ann M., A reminder of the fountain at Evora.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow, Don Quixote and the native of Padrón, an acrobatic note.
Fiske, Ron, A relic of ‘Lamplighter’, a note.
Laurie, Kedrun, Borrow and Herkomer’s Gypsies, a note.
Ridler, Ann M., Some marginal notes on Borrow’s Faustus.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 20 (Autumn 2000)
Campos Calvo-Sotelo, J. and Missler, Peter, Antonio da Traba, el Valiente de Finisterre.
Fraser, Angus, Taylor, Borrow, and Beowulf.
Laurie, Kedrun, Wild Wales: Letters from A.S. Hartrick to Hallam Murray.
Fraser, Angus, William Taylor on Suicide and Religion, a note.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow and the Jews, a note.
Todd, Alan, A meal of salmon, a note.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow and Paine the Pirate, a query (with a reply from Colin Tooke).
Chandler, David, Borrow’s Faustus: Further notes.
Ridler, Ann M., A small addition to Borrovian Bibliography, a note.
Fraser, Angus, Reviews of Borrow, George, Wildes Wales; Lavengro, le maître des mots; and Le Gentleman tzigane.
Stanley, Phyllis, Borrow and His Family in Great Yarmouth: The George Borrow Society Weekend, May 2000.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow in Great Yarmouth.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 21 (Spring 2001)
Fraser, Angus, Whitwell Elwin on Borrow.
Fiske, Ron, James Hooper interviews Miss Elizabeth Jay.
Missler, Peter, Benedict Mol – the fabrication of a treasure hunt.
Mencher, Barrie, A note on Taylor, Borrow and Beowulf.
Ridler, Ann M., Two early Borrovians: James Thomson (B.V.) and Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth.
Ridler, Ann M., Another book from Borrow’s shelves?
Halliday, C., A Welsh settle.
Fraser, Angus, Hopping Ned and Biting Giles.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow in recent bibliographies.
Fraser, Angus, Online Borrow.
Nuttall, David, Berwicked, Borrowed and Bewildered.
Fraser, Angus, 'Northward, northward still!' The West Norfolks’ march to Edinburgh.
Ridler, Ann M., Down the long avenue of the years–a closer look at chapter 6 of Lavengro.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 22 (Autumn 2001)
Shepheard, Richard, Lavengro, the Boxer.
Missler, Peter, Benedict Mol – the fabrication of a treasure hunt.
Ridler, Ann M., ‘Harald Harfagr’.
Laurie, Kedrun, Testing Borrow’s truthfulness: from the Quakers to the Bohemians.
Chandler, David, Borrow and Taylor on Language and Human Diversity.
Dakyns, Andrew, George Borrow and the Manx Poet T.E. Brown.
Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Juan, El Valiente de Finisterre gets closer to H.M.S.Victory.
Maxwell, Ian, An Address on George Borrow (Introduced by Angus Fraser).
Acton, Thomas, Review of Now shoon the Romano Gillie – Traditional Verse in the High and Low Speech of the Gypsies of Britain, by T. Coughlan.
Ridler, Ann M., The George Borrow Society Weekend at Ponterwyd, 6-8 July 2001, a report.
Olliff, Hugh, Ponterwyd, Hafod and the Real John Greaves.
Walker, R.F., George Borrow in Cardiganshire.
Rowlands, Wil, Illustrating Wild Wales.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 23 (Spring 2002)
Various authors, Obituaries and memories of Sir Angus Fraser.
Chandler, David, Borrow and Napoleon: A New Reading of the Hythe Skulls Episode.
Shepheard, Richard, Lavengro, the Boxer.
Missler, Peter, Benedict Mol – the fabrication of a treasure hunt.
Laurie, Kedrun, Testing Borrow’s truthfulness: from the Quakers to the Bohemians.
Innes, Shelley, George Borrow: a letter to Charles Darwin.
Stanley, Phyllis, Conviviality in Llangollen, 1854? – some further notes on Mrs Borrow’s household account book.
Ridler, Ann M., A question of nomenclature: a note on the name Petulengro, compiled by the editor from correspondence with Angus Fraser.
Knox-Mawer, June, Review of George Borrow: The Dingle Chapters, by Shepheard, R. and Mencher, M.B.
Shepheard, Richard, Review of Jem Mace and Bob Fitzsimmons in Memoriam by McInnes, P.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 24 (Autumn 2002)
Shepheard, Richard, The Forgotten Hero: A Lost Pugilist from Lavengro.
Ridler, Ann M., 'Eulenspiegel walking about Spain in the Nineteenth Century': George Borrow, John Hasfeld and Till Eulenspiegel.
Shepheard, Richard, Pugilists from Lavengro, some notes.
Watkins, Claire, Chirk Castle, A Comparative Tour, a note.
Ridler, Ann M., Report on the Meeting of the Borrow Society in Seville, October 2002.
Skillman, Mike, A Seville Diary, October 2002.
Ridler, Ann M., George Borrow in Seville, Granada and Córdoba.
Hitchcock, Richard, Richard Ford in Sevilla.
Missler, Peter, A Most Extra-ordinary Man: The Amazing Long March of the Carlist General Miguel Gomez.
Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Juan, The Loss of the GreatLiverpool.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 25 (Spring 2003)
Chandler, David, Writing against Rome: Anti-Catholicism and the Shaping of Borrow’s Work.
Fraser, Angus, Borrow and the Kerrisons.
Shepheard, Richard, Dui Palor: Gypsy Boxers and Gypsy Brothers.
Kabell, Inge, The Editorial Practices of George Borrow’s first Biographer – An Example.
Missler, Peter, A Gallegan Source for The Bible in Spain.
Missler, Peter, An Inn-keeper’s Untruth.
Gómez Alfaro, Antonio, The Earliest Known Publication in Spanish of Borrow’s The Zincali.
Lawrence, Edwin, How I Came to Know of George Borrow.
Eaton, Kent, The Awakening of Protestant interest in Spain as a Mission Field. Part 1.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 26 (Summer 2003)
Ridler, Ann M., The Bicentenary, Retrospect and Prospect.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, Norfolk Man Translates a Dream, or: George Borrow’s “Gweledigaethau”.
Ridler, Ann M., The George Borrow Bicentenary Weekend at Dereham, Norfolk.
Floate, Sharon, Borrow’s Gypsies after The Romany Rye.
Mencher, Barrie, Meeting George Borrow.
Giménez, Antonio, Lavengro, a sequel to The Bible in Spain.
Bean, Thomas, After The Bible: Richard Ford and Borrow’s ‘Autobiography’.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow’s Norfolk.
Chapman, Raymond, ‘The Quiet, Unpretending, Church of England’: George Borrow’s View of Religion.
Burleigh, Richard, 'To the Immortal Memory of George Borrow'.
Missler, Peter, Any Time for Medicine. Toast to ‘Borrovians the World Over’.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 27 (Autumn 2003)
Fraser, Angus and Chandler, David, Reinventing Borrow: The history of a reputations.
Shepheard, Richard, Gypsy half-brothers and Romany names and trades.
Eaton, Kent, The Awakening of Protestant interest in Spain as a Mission Field. Part 2.
Davis, Chuck, George Borrow and Sir Winston Churchill.
Fiske, Ron, The ruined lodge at Drayton, a hitherto little known Borrow reference.
Fiske, Ron, An extract from the sale of Dawson Turner’s library in May and June 1859.
Fairweather, Clive, References to Borrow in a Suffolk Diary.
Gooch, Michael and Gooch, Sheila, Mathew Mattocks, a query and an ingenious solution.
Missler, Peter, The road to San Roque.
Ridler, Ann M., Portraits of Roger Kerrison.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 28 (Spring 2004)
Fraser, Angus, Baron Taylor and Judah Lib, Two displaced persons.
Murphy, Martin, Borrow, Blanco and the Bible.
Missler, Peter, Rey Romero’s Testaments.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow’s interest in Dutch, Part 1.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow and Welsh drovers.
Mencher, Barrie, A postscript to our note on ‘George Borrow and Winston Churchill’.
Ridler, Ann M., Further thoughts on Mary Borrow.
Ridler, Ann M., A Russian study of Borrow.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 29 (Autumn 2004)
Chandler, David, Lindley Williams Hubbell, Borrovian.
Williams Hubbell, Lindley, George Borrow.
Missler, Peter, The Case of the Underpriced Testaments.
Kabell, Inge, George Borrow and Finland (1).
Ridler, Ann M., Some unexpected references to Borrow.
Wooderson, Peter, George Borrow and bees.
Shepheard, Richard, “Live and let live”: a miniature of Coke of Norfolk.
Ridler, Ann M., Censorship and The Sleeping Bard.
Mackler, Allen, Matthew Mattocks
Segers, Guy, Till Eulenspiegel.
Ridler, Ann M., Another Borrovian: George Borrow and Arthur Ransome.
Hentges, John, Before joining the Hoole Road.
Randall, Ian, Review of Good News for the World, by Roger Steer.
Clarke, Anthony, Review of Richard Ford 1796-1858: Hispanophile, Connoisseur and Critic, by Ian Robertson.
Burton, Dennis, The George Borrow Society’s visit to the Isle of Man.
Moughton, Chris, Glen Dhoo.
Ridler, Ann M., Mary Borrow’s account book and the family’s visit to the Isle of Man in 1855.
Dakyns, Andrew, Schooldays of George H. Borrow and James M. Wilson).
George Borrow Bulletin nº 30 (Spring 2005)
Barrett, Kenneth, The Jornada George Borrow: a George Borrow day held on 17 February 2005.
Shepheard, Richard, A Coat of Green: George Borrow and Horncastle Horsefair.
Missler, Peter, A Partial Judgement.
Kabell, Inge, George Borrow and Finland.
Ridler, Ann M., Lost Borroviana, some notes from various sources.
Ridler, Ann M., Some letters of James Hooper to the Eastern Daily Press in 1903.
Ridler, Ann M., Another distinguished Borrovian: Theodore Roosevelt.
Raywid, Brian, Review of Gypsy Jib: a Romany Dictionary, by James Hayward.
Murphy, Martin, Review of ¡Cosas de los Ingleses! La España vivida y soñada en la correspondencia entre George Borrow y Richard Ford, by Antonio Giménez Cruz.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 31 (Autumn 2005)
Burleigh, Richard, Gordon Pattinson - an appreciation.
Shepheard, Richard, A Coat of Green: George Borrow and Horncastle Horsefair.
Kabell, Inge, George Borrow and Finland.
Murphy, Martin, The Hamaxobii and their mobile homes.
Alfaro, Antonio Gómez, Some positive and negative views of Borrow’s works from nineteenth-century travellers to Spain.
Hitchcock, Richard, John Walker, George Borrow and Gypsies in Spain.
Arnold, Guy, Borrow in Fiction, An Unnamed Reference by Hugh Seton Merriman.
Ridler, Ann M., A note on the Borrow family tree from information provided by Chella Venturas.
Robertson, Ian, Wry Aspersions in the Rye.
Ridler, Ann M., An Early Review of Wild Wales.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow at Ruthin, North Wales.
Dakyns, Andrew, The George Borrow Society’s Weekend Meeting at Llangollen, September 2005.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, Gweledigaethau Uffernol: George Borrow, Goronwy Owen and the Vision of Hell (the third Fraser Memorial Lecture).
Price, David, George on the Net.
Roberts, Dewi, Reflections and Peregrinations, after-dinner thoughts.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 32 (Spring 2006)
Chandler, David, Borrow’s Tailless Foxes and his Myth of Independence.
Mencher, Barrie, Letter to the Editor.
Mencher, Barrie, George Borrow: Novelist.
Missler, Peter, Gypsy Luke Project: Preliminary Results.
Fraser, Angus and Shepheard, Richard, Captain Borrow, ‘The Friend of Townshend’ with an Introduction and Notes by Richard Shepheard.
Forsdick, Charles, Kenneth White, Reader of George Borrow.
Alonso, A., Borrow and Bembibre.
Missler, Peter, Borrow and G.M. Trevelyan.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow and the South-Sea Islanders, with an additional note on ‘far Iolchos and Spain’ (with assistance from Martin Murphy).
McCann, Timothy J., Edward Heron-Allen and George Borrow’s Beer Jug.
Ridler, Ann M., Dedicated to Borrow.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow in Verse, courtesy of David Price.
Ridler, Ann M., Exactly where did Borrow meet Jasper Petulengro? - a note compiled from information sent by Phyllis Stanley.
Shepheard, Richard, Doing Different: A Word from Norfolk.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 33 (Autumn 2006)
Barrett, Kenneth, George Borrow’s mission from the Bible Society to distribute a Bible without notes in the Spain of 1836–1840.
Missler, Peter, Manuscrit trouvé à Pétersbourg (Part 1).
De Castro, David Fernández, The Blind Beggar Woman of Manzanares, translated by Peter Missler.
Ridler, Ann M., Return of Owners of Land, 1873: Borrow Holdings, from information contributed by Gwyn Thomas.
Weavers, Dave, Borrow’s last journey.
Ridler, Ann M., More lost Borroviana, by Ann M. Ridler.
Barrett, Kenneth, The Multiple Presentation of George Borrow in Recent Works on Spain.
Ridler, Ann M., Report on the Society’s Visit to St Petersburg, July 2006.
Kleiner, Yuri, A Whistle on a Farmer’s Field: An Echo from St Petersburg?
Pang, Tatiana, George Borrow and the Manchu translation of the New Testament.
Rusakov, Alexander, Borrow, Gypsies, St Petersburg.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 34 (Spring 2007)
Missler, Peter, Manuscrit trouvé à Pétersbourg (Part 2).
Rawbone, Michael, Owlglass in Peking: Father Hyacinth Bichurin.
Kabell, Inge, John Bowring’s Memoirs and their History, with Special Reference to a Chapter on Denmark.
Brown, Iain Gordon, George Borrow and Sir Walter Scott: Two Heads Compared by the Phrenologists.
Murphy, Martin, The First Ride.
Missler, Peter, The First Spanish Translation of The Bible in Spain.
Murphy, Martin, Review of The Invention of Spain. Cultural Relations between Britain and Spain, 17XX1870, by David Howarth.
Ridler, Ann M., Report on the George Borrow Society Weekend at St Deiniol’s Library, Hawarden, North Wales, 29 September – 2 October 2006.
Peltier, Jacqueline, Two English Eccentrics: George Borrow and John Cowper Powys.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, 'Is it possible that I am under the roof of an author?'—Borrow’s treatment of the creative sensibility in Lavengro
Ridler, Ann M., The texts in Borrow’s texts; or, Borrow the Borrower.
Murphy, Martin, Shorsha Borrow’s Tipperary Experience (the Fourth Fraser Memorial Lecture).
Hentges, John, Old Lavengro, A Borrovian Toast.
Hentges, John, A Tailpiece: She asked me about Dickens.... I told her about Borrow.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 35 (Autumn 2007)
Missler, Peter, The Father of the Novel and the Mother of the Waters.
De Castro, David Fernández, Almaraz: The Relics of the Wolf, translated by Peter Missler.
Missler, Peter, Appendix to the above: The Bridge at Almaraz.
Moore, Norrette, Borrow as Muse, His Impact on Paul Nash.
Hentges, John, ...And In the Right Corner We Have...? (The Continuing Saga of .................. John Greaves of Ponterwyd).
Fiske, Ron, George Borrow’s Musings at Earlham, by Ron Fiske.
Ridler, Ann M., A note on the George Borrow Society’s Weekend at Southwold, September 2007.
Stanley, Phyllis, Mrs Borrow’s Account Book: The Borrows’ Lodgings in Yarmouth.
Arnold, Guy, The Elusive George Borrow (the fifth Fraser Memorial Lecture).
Ridler, Ann M., The Bitter End: Borrow’s Lost Job Opportunity and its Impact on The Romany Rye.
Barrett, Kenneth, Toast to Borrovians the world over.
Mount, David, Exhibition of Borroviana to mark the meeting at Southwold of the George Borrow Society, September 2007.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 36 (Spring 2008)
De Castro, David Fernández, Badajoz: in search of Borrow’s Gypsies, translated by Peter Missler.
Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier, When George Borrow met Spanish Romani.
Missler, Peter, Gypsy Luke Project (2)—Further Results.
Ridler, Ann M., Another early Borrovian! Franz Liszt and The Gipsy in Music.
Savage, Roger, Three Glorious Johns.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, A Friendship made in Oulton: Borrow and Edward FitzGerald.
Burton, Dennis, The Rings of Saturnand George Borrow.
Ridler, Ann M., A Postscript to ‘The Bitter End’, on Borrow’s failed attempt to become a magistrate.
Bunn, Ivan, George Borrow and the Oulton Parish ’Vestry’.
Bunn, Ivan, A Further Postscript on Borrow and Peto...........
Bunn, Ivan, The Piano Forte.
Ridler, Ann M., The Borrows at Shrewsbury and Borrow’s Second Tour of Wales.
O’Reilly, CuChullaine, .............. Another musical Borrovian.
Bean, Thomas, A review of The Travel Journals of Robert Hyde Greg of Quarry Bank Mill: Travels in Scotland, Spain and Portugal, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire, 1814XX, ed. Beryl and Allen Freer.
Chandler, David, A review of Gypsies and the British Imagination, 180XX1930, by Deborah Epstein Nord.
Ridler, Ann M., The Borrows at Shrewsbury and Borrow’s Second Tour of Wales (map).
George Borrow Bulletin nº 37 (Autumn 2008)
Activities of the Executive Committee.
Exhibition at Cemmaes and Borrow Walks.
Celebrating Richard Ford.
Membership of the Society.
Ridler, Ann M., Restoration of Borrow’s Grave, a note from the Editor.
Laurie, Kedrun, 'Wherever I chance to be at the time': Defining Bohemia with George Borrow and George Augustus Sala
Ridler, Ann M., Fresh light on Borrow in London in 1830.
Bean , Thomas, A further note on the Ford Gypsy Luke.
Hentges, John, A further note on ‘Three Glorious Johns’
Ridler, Ann M., Experience, observation and imagination—an editorial reflection.
Barrett, Kenneth, George Borrow at Tregaron, some bibliographical notes.
Book reviews.
Seen in the press.
Talks on Borrow.
Borrow on-line.
Missler, Peter, A new George Borrow Studies website.
Borrow on stage.
George Borrow as portraitist (23): Answer to query in Bulletin 36.
George Borrow as portraitist (24).
Kirkup, James, Gypsies on the Road, a translation.
Report and Proceedings of The George Borrow Society’s Meeting at Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Republic of Ireland, Tuesday, 30 September—Friday, 3 October 2008.
Ridler, Ann M., Report.
Ahern, Michael, Borrow in Clonmel.
Kerrigan , Colm, ‘Old and crazy’: The ship that bore the Borrows to Ireland.
Murphy , Martin, Romancing the Romancer: Borrow and W. G. Dowsley.
Ridler, Ann M., More than just ‘a speech spoken’: Borrow’s interest in Irish literature and history.
Ridler, Ann M., Croppies lie down—two versions compared.
List of participants.
Bulletins, binders and Proceedings; George Borrow Society flyers.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 38 (Spring 2009)
Hyde, George, Armenian Lessons with George Borrow.
Missler, Peter, Lost in Lugo.
Ivory, Philip, George Borrow and Pushkin: Borrow’s translation of Pushkin’s ‘The Talisman’.
Fraser, Angus and Missler, Peter and Ridler, Ann M., Presentation copies of Borrow’s books, by the late Sir Angus Fraser, with additional notes.
Cann, Kathleen and Ridler, Ann M., Eve deceived by a baboon, a query arising from correspondence.
Fraser, Angus, Frederick Ganning, a note.
Ridler, Ann M., Italian or English? A query on Borrow’s reading.
Hentges, John, The re-building of London Bridge, a note.
Laurie, Kedrun, Lady Eleanor Smith and Lavengro, a note.
Laurie, Kedrun, Information please: Who is the author of ‘In Borrow’s Country’? a query.
Keeton, Simon R., Spanish Shadows, a note.
Ridler, Ann M., The sad fate of Lady Bowring, a note.
Ridler, Ann M. and Fraser, Angus, A note on Borrow’s grave.
Chandler, David, Book review: The Oxford English Literary History, Volume 8.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 39 (Autumn 2009)
Chandler, David, ‘Incidents on my journey’: The Influence of Sir Richard Phillips.
Shepheard, Richard, The Unresolved: Borrow’s Gypsies.
Keeton, Simon R., Lavengro and the Evil Chance, a note.
Chandler, David, Borrow Downgraded at the Bodleian, a note.
Todd, Alan, Borrow and Pushkin, a response to the note in Bulletin 38.
Fiske, Ron, Frederick Charles Ganning, a response to the note in Bulletin 38.
Ridler, Ann M. and Fiske, Ron and Missler, Peter and Stanley, Phyllis, Mutiny on the Bounty: a response to Angus Fraser’s query in Bulletin 38.
Henderson, Peter, New light on George Borrow’s brother, John.
Ridler, Ann M., Two Borrovian mysteries: (i) Up and Down Manxland; (ii) Stone heads at Icolmkill.
Shand, Laurence, Spanish Shadows—a response to Simon Keeton’s note in Bulletin 38.
Missler, Peter, David versus Goliath.
Ridler, Ann M., Proceedings of the George Borrow Society Meeting, London, 25–26 July 2009.
Hentges, John, Borrow and Dickens at Greenwich Fair.
Bunn, Ivan, New light on George Borrow’s grave.
George Borrow Bulletin nº 40 (Spring 2010)
Shepheard, Richard, Soul or Pysche: George Borrow and Peter Williams, Part 1.
Kerrigan, Colm, On the Road to Llangollen.
Hentges, John, Jerry Abershaw, a myth corrected.
Murphy, Martin, Borrow Downgraded at the Bodleian, a response.
Keeton, Simon, Taken in the right spirit: Borrow and Lope de Vega’s Ghost Story.
Ridler, Ann M. and Lurie, Kedrun, Another Romany Rye.
Shepheard, Richard, Letter and spirit: Borrow and Norfolk Expressions.
Ridler, Ann M., Report and Proceedings of the George Borrow Society’s meeting held in Salamanca, 15–19 September 2009.
Missler, Peter, Setting out for Salamanca: The first leg of George Borrow’s Northern Journey in mid-1837.
Alencart, Alfredo Pérez and Glasscock, Timothy, Unamuno: A Reader of Borrow.
Barrett, Kenneth, A Scholar and Gypsy about Gypsy Borrow — Walter Starkie’s relationship to the Borrow Gypsy ideal.
Murphy, Martin, The English, Irish and Scots Colleges in Valladolid and Salamanca: a Borrovian Perspective.
Hitchcock, Richard, A Toast to the Immortal Memory of George Borrow 1803–1881.
Chandler, David, “Born to be a great traveller”:Joseph Sell as Borrow’s Imaginary Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (the sixth Fraser Memorial Lecture).
Bawden, Charles, George Borrow’s Manchu Translation of the Second Homily.
Kerrigan, Colm, Tomas Zumalacarregui and the First Carlist War.
Rossi, Anthony, Rossi my excellent friend.
Peltier, Jacqueline, Was Bizet’s Carmen a character from Borrow? George Borrow in France, a note.
Keeton, Simon R., Borrow and Abershaw, a note.
Hentges, John, ‘Joseph Sell’—some further thoughts.
Raywid, Brian, Lavengro and Jack Slingsby: the crucial encounter, a note.
Burleigh, Richard, A speculation about the Phillips portrait of George Borrow, a note.
Parry-Jones, Chas and Moughton, Chris, Borrow on Anglesey (Ynys Mon), a note from information provided by Chas Parry-Jones with additional photographs by Chris Moughton.
Venturas, Chella, The Borrow Coat of Arms, a note.
Bainbridge, John, A film about Borrow—The Broken Law, a query.
Ridler, Ann M., A modest bibliographical surprise: Borrow and Villaseca, a note.
Giménez, Antonio, Peter Missler, The Treasure Hunter of Santiago, reviewed.
Missler, Peter, Manuel Rivas, Books Burn Badly, reviewed.
Burton, Dennis, Peter J. Conradi, At the Bright Hem of God. Radnorshire Pastoral, reviewed.
Ridler, Ann M., An important bibliographical discovery, a note from the Editor.
Found in the press: Oulton Harvest Home, 1862, and a review of The Sleeping Bard, 1861.
Price, David, Borrow On-Line—a Gutenberg update.
Skillman, Mike, Crossword.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 3 (Autumn 2011)
Chandler, David, ‘For him Borrow fought’: Peter Oliver’s Life and Adventures of Joseph Sell.
Missler, Peter, A little new light on the Great Liverpool affair.
Kerrigan, Colm, Return to Oradea, or when the kissing had to stop.
Fiske, Ron, The Reverend Thomas Howes meets James Philo.
Keeton, S. R., Back in time—the Carlist wars and Borrow’s prison.
Bean, Thomas, Macaulay buys Borrow.
Kerrigan, Colm, Manuel Rivas on George Borrow at ‘World Literature Weekend’.
Moore, Norrette, Music Associated With Borrow.
Raywid, Brian, Bartley Gorman with Peter Walsh, King of the Gypsies, Memoirs of the Undefeated Bare Knuckle Champion of Great Britain and Ireland.
Missler, Peter, Conrad Cairns, The First Carlist War: A Military History & Uniform Guide.
Kerrigan, Colm, John Hentges, The Borrow Translations Series 1, CD reviewed.
Price, David, Borrow On-line—a Gutenberg update.
Skillman, Mike, Solution to Crossword in Bulletin 2.2.
Shepheard, Richard, A valedictory message.
Ridler, Ann M., Report on the weekend.
Burton, Dennis, George Borrow and Presteigne.
Murphy, Martin, The Seventh Fraser Memorial Lecture: David Jones: Everyman’s Guide to Wild Wales.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, Better Late Than Never: the 1913 Borrow Centenary Celebrations in Norwich.
Ridler, Ann M., The first part of Borrow’s second journey to Wales in 1857.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 4 (Spring 2012)
Burleigh, Richard, Founder Member Professor Emeritus Michael Collie (1929–2011).
Ridler, Ann M., Dennis Burton (1931–2011), a note from the Editor.
George Borrow Society viewing of the National Portrait Gallery’s Borrow portraits and Christmas lunch, 2–3 December 2011.
A new plaque to commemorate Borrow in Madrid.
Meeting at Salisbury, 13–15 April 2012.
Visit to Gibraltar, 27 September–1 October 2012.
Ridler, Ann M., ‘The plague of my heart’: some reflections on the Peter Williams chapters and on the sin against the Holy Ghost.
Laurie, Kedrun, 1956: René Fréchet, Louis Aragon and post-war French interest in Borrow, Part 1, René Fréchet.
Hyde, George, George Borrow and Victorian translation.
Hitchcock, Richard, Some remarks on the Peter Williams chapters of Lavengro.
Missler, Peter, Gypsy Luke Project (3)—further results, a note.
Parry-Jones, Chas, More on the White Horse Inn at Pentraeth, Anglesey.
Ridler, Ann M., An echo in Lavengro of the artists Albrecht Dürer and Joseph Mallord William Turner? A note.
More Borrovian Music.
John, Jeremy, Jasper Rees, Bred of Heaven, reviewed.
Hopkins, Simon, John Hentges, The Borrow Translations, Series 1, CD reviewed.
Kerrigan, Colm, Moises Enrique Rodriguez, Under the Flags of Freedom, reviewed.
Borrow On-Line.
Borrow on the Radio.
Hentges, John, A Genius For Friendship—Reminiscences of the late Dennis Burton.
The Society’s New Website.
Ridler, Ann M., Checklist of Publications on Borrow since the 1981 Centenary.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 5 (Autumn 2012)
Venturas, Graciella, The Notable Nineteenth Century Borrows, descendants of the Trethenni.
Missler, Peter, Captain George Henry Borrow.
Laurie, Kedrun, 1956, René Fréchet, Louis Aragon and post-war French interest in Borrow, Part 2.
Sanderson, H. K. St. J., A Voice from the Past, two essays on Borrow.
Price, David, The Rev. Francis Cunningham.
Ridler, Ann M., A postscript on Ch. 60 of Lavengro.
Hentges, John, The man who outsold Dickens?
Hentges, John, 58 Jermyn Street.
Able, Susan, George Borrow: Does he still haunt the Oulton Estate?
Burleigh, Richard, George Borrow in Cornwall.
Pritchard, Terry, What was the site of Borrow’s meeting on the Welsh border with Jasper Petulengro?
Hopkins, Simon, George Borrow’s Hebrew shekel.
Rawbone, Michael, I’m a Romany Rai, CD reviewed.
Bainbridge, John, Robert Macfarlane, The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot, reviewed.
Murphy, Martin, George Borrow, La Biblia en España. Traducido por Manuel Azaña. Introducción de Alberto González Troyano, reviewed
Skillman, Michael, Tom Fort, The A303 Highway to the Sun, reviewed.
Report and Proceedings of The George Borrow Society’s meeting held at Salisbury, Wiltshire, 13–15 April 2012.
Rostron, Ann, and Fielder, Tony, Report on the weekend.
Skillman, Michael, Borrow in Wiltshire, with a note on mail coaches.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 6 (Spring 2013)
Membership of the Society.
Recent events.
27 July 2013: Favourite readings: an afternoon with George Borrow.
1–2 November 2013: A Norwich Conference sponsored by the George Borrow Trust.
Kerrigan, Colm, A Tale of Two Castles.
Missler, Peter, The Great Liverpool Court Case At Last!
Chandler, David, ‘Celtic Fielding, Realist of Dreams!’: Edmund Kemper Broadus on Borrow.
Notes and Queries.
Keeton, Simon, A Passion for Words.
Murphy, Martin, H. James Rose, Viaje a la Andalucia inexplorada, reviewed.
Kerrigan, Colm, (2) Jimmy Burns, La Roja: A Journey through Spanish Football, reviewed.
Laurie, Kedrun, Exhibition Review: Bohèmes.
Readers Write.
Borrow On-line.
Press Cuttings.
Borrow Portrayed.
A New CD by John Hentges.
Report and Proceedings of The George Borrow Society’s visit to Gibraltar, 26 September–1 October 2012.
Ridler, Ann M., Report on our visit.
Fraser, Angus, A Borrovian walk through Tangier.
Heredia, Blanca Krauel and Ridler, Ann M., George Borrow in Tangier.
Perera, Jennifer Ballantine, George Borrow and his Vision of Gibraltar.
Ridler, Ann M., (5) Borrow in Andalusia and Gibraltar in 1839.
Hopkins, Simon, (6) Hebrew and Arabic in George Borrow’s account of Gibraltar and Tangier (The Bible in Spain, Chs 51–57).
Back Numbers of Bulletins, Binders and Proceedings.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 7 (Autumn 2013)
Membership of the Society.
Recent events.
Future events.
Missler, Peter, Beware of Wentworth Webster (and his Marquis of Santa Coloma).
Webster, Wentworth, Appendix: The text of ‘Stray Notes on George Borrow’s Life in Spain’.
Laurie, Kedrun, Lavengro Road, London SE27.
Moore, Norrette, Anthony Gross: from Mirabete to London Bridge.
Mawtus, Mark, Col. Crockett’s Exploits and Adventures in Texas.
Ridler, Ann M., Another Forgotten Borrovian, Arthur Garland Jayne.
Price, David, The man who buried Borrow.
Froiz, Fátima, Calle Jorge Borrow, La Coruña.
Barrett, Ken, And a Park at Ferrol in Northern Spain, named after Borrow!
Rowlandson, Paul, George Borrow and London Bridge.
Kerrigan, Colm, Favourite books about Spain.
Hentges, John, The other Galicia—A note on the story of Judah Lib.
Hitchcock, Richard, An echo of Borrow in Madrid in 1943.
Ridler, Ann M., The Borrow Plaque in the Calle Santiago, Madrid.
Ridler, Ann M., Michael Erard, Mezzofanti’s Gift: The Search for the World’s Most Extraordinary Language Learners.
Price, David, Borrow On-Line.
Some welcome publicity for the Bulletin.
Bainbridge, John, Footloose with George Borrow: A new on-line booklet.
The Oxford English Dictionary’s Word of the Day.
Press Cuttings.
The George Borrow Trust Essay Competition.
Borrow Portrayed.
Back Numbers of Bulletins, Binders and Proceedings.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 8 (Spring 2014)
Membership of the Society; obituary; recent events.
Meeting of the Executive Committee, 1 November 2013.
Biennial General Meeting of the George Borrow Society, 2 November 2013.
Hentges, John, A chance encounter: the incredible adventures of Ambrose Gwinnett.
Hentges, John, A word on Douglas Jerrold (1803–1857).
Mawtus, Mark, Headlong and Crotchet: The case for Thomas Love Peacock being the serio-comic author.
Barrett, Ken and Missler, Peter, A tale of woe: Borrow’s proxy encounter with the young man of Colunga.
Mount, David, Alan Hunter’s The Norwich Poems: a Borrow-related item.
Mawtus, Mark, Other Thumblerig references.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow’s ‘Songs of Scandinavia’ and Prior’s Ancient Danish Ballads.
Ridler, Ann M., Another Borrow illustration from Look and Learn.
Ridler, Ann M., The Yarmouth bridge disaster of 1845.
García, Richard, Borrow and the Royal Air Force.
Rossi, Anthony, Lavengro and d’Eterville: Strangers’ Hall or Luckett’s Court?
Rawbone, Michael, Gypsy Music.
Gurney, Trish, Antonia Fraser, Perilous Question: The Drama of the Great Reform Bill 1832.
Missler, Peter, Juan Manuel Quero Moreno, Educación integral y de vanguardia.
Press Cuttings.
Borrow On-line.
The George Borrow Trust Essay Competition 2015.
The Lavengro Press.
Borrow Portrayed.
Back Numbers of Bulletins, Binders and Proceedings.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 9 (Autumn 2014)
Future events.
Recent events.
Meeting of the Executive Committee, 1 November 2013.
Biennial General Meeting of the George Borrow Society, 2 November 2013.
Stokes, Charity Scott, Lavengro at Newnham.
Chandler, David, Carnival and Lent: G. K. Chesterton and Borrow on Selling Novels to Survive.
Farrant, Ann, George Borrow and Amelia Opie.
Ridler, Ann M., A Genealogical Conundrum: Some afterthoughts on the people Borrow met in Cornwall.
Ridler, Ann M., The Mysterious Stately.
Bean, Tom, Reflections on Borrow and on El Greco’s The Burial of the Conde de Orgaz.
The Church of England cat.
Price, David, The Gypsy’s Parson, by the Rev. George Hall.
A postscript on D’Eterville from Norwich and Norfolk Notes & Queries, 1902.
Hyde, George, Artemis Cooper, Paddy Leigh Fermor, an adventure.
Raywid, Brian, Yaron Matras, I Met Lucky People: The Story of the Romani Gypsies.
Raywid, Brian, Katharine Quarmby, No Place to Call Home: Inside the Real Lives of Gypsies and Travellers.
Press Cuttings.
Readers Write: Anglo-Saxon Interlude; An Appendix on Ambrose Gwinnett.
Editorial Error and Query.
Fiske, Ron, The Pounds in Borrows Pocket.
The George Borrow Trust; Essay Competition Reminder.
Friends of Norman Cross; Borrow Portrayed.
Report and Proceedings of the George Borrow Society’s Meeting held at Peterborough, 11–13 April 2014.
Fielder, Tony, Report on the weekend.
Nuttall, David and Floate, Sharon, The 1811 Overture: Being an Account of George Borrow, John Clare, Various Gypsies & a Great Deal of Straw Plait in This Year of the Napoleonic Wars.
Hyde, George, Borrowing A Snake.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, Borrow, Romany Gypsies And The Third Reich.
Fielder, Tony, To Borrovians the World Over, A Toast.
Back Numbers of Bulletins, Binders and Proceedings.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 10 (Spring 2015)
Membership of the Society.
Recent events.
Lannon, Tim, Christmas lunch, 6 December 2014.
Ridler, Ann M., A brief trip to Istanbul.
Future events.
Ridler, Ann M., Romantic Borrow and the Mind’s Eye.
Clements, Paul, Richard Hayward’s love of Lavengro.
Murphy, Martin, ‘What say you, Sir Watkin?’
Mawtus, Mark, Borrow and The Sleeping Bard.
Skillman, Michael, Real People in Wild Wales.
Skillman, Michael, More Real People in Wild Wales: Borrow’s Welsh-speaking Guide.
Skillman, Michael, And Finally—the Church of England Cat—Out of the Bag?
Keeton, Simon, What’s in a Name?.
Hentges, John, Night Stirrings in Putney.
Ridler, Ann M., Heroic Borrow?
Pattinson, Graham, Sad News about the Church of England Cat.
Rossi, Anthony, Lavengro and D’Eterville — Continued!
Fiske, Ron, Boxing Harry.
Moore, Norrette, More on the Tenants at Penquite.
Hankinson, Sophia, Ann Farrant, Amelia Opie: The Quaker Celebrity.
Murphy, Martin, Jenny Uglow, In These Times: Living in Britain through Napoleon’s Wars, 1793–1815.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, Sarah Houghton-Walker, Representations of the Gypsy in the Romantic Period.
News cuttings.
The George Borrow Trust.
The Lavengro Press.
Borrow Portrayed.
Back Numbers of Bulletins, Binders and Proceedings.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 11 (Autumn 2015)
Membership of the Society; Obituary.
Visit to Portugal 1XX18 April 2015, see report on pp. 51 ff.
Gurney, Trish, Visit to Llangollen 27 June 2015, a report.
Ridler, Ann M., The John Clare Festival at Helpston, Northamptonshire, 11 July 2015, a report.
Biennial General Meeting, 24 October 2015.
Christmas lunch, 6 December 2015.
Visit to Anglesey, Wales, 13–15 May 2016.
The George Borrow Society's 25th anniversary, 2016.
Keeton, Simon, Borrow and the Bible in Lavengro.
Peters, Timothy, Wild Wales and Wild Claims? A note.
Ridler, Ann M., William Mackay and his acquaintance with George Borrow, a note.
Hitchcock, Richard, A note in defence of Michael Scot.
Gough, Steve, George Borrow out loud, a note.
Skillman, Kate, Our A5 adventure, a note.
Ridler, Ann M., Wrestling Jacob: Borrow and the Methodists, a note.
Mawrus, Mark, Jeremiah Grant, Highwayman, and Sergeant Bagg, a query.
The Lavengro Press.
Press Cuttings.
Ridler, Ann M., Ivan A. W. Bunn, George Borrow, Oulton and Beyond, reviewed.
Borrow On-Line.
A New Mobile Phone App.
Borrow at Auction.
Borrow First Editions for Sale.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow Dreaming.
Visit by the George Borrow Society to Lisbon and Evora 13–18 April 2015.
Skillman, Mike, A report.
Hopkins, Simon, The Jews of Borrow's Portugal.
Ridler, Ann M., A magic lantern show in fairyland, ending Chapter 6 of The Bible in Spain.
Missler, Peter, A Rubik's Cube on the Road, or From Lisbon to Madrid by way of Évora, Badajoz and Wonderland.
Back Numbers of Bulletins, Binders and Proceedings.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 12 (Spring 2016)
Membership of the Society.
Biennial General Meeting held on 25 October 2015.
Meeting of the Executive Committee held on 25 October 2015.
Christmas lunch held on 5 December 2015.
Meeting on Anglesey, May 2016.
Joint meeting with the John Clare Society, October 2016.
Ridler, Ann M., ‘I have the advantage of not being a Welshman’: George Borrow’s interest in Anglesey’s poets.
Keeton, Simon, The Erl-king.
Missler, Peter, A Tale of Two Brothers.
Ridler, Ann M., Beckford and Borrow: Some Curious Fore-echoes.
Hentges, John, The Milman Street Dream.
Caizergues, Pierre; Peltier, Jacqueline, Pierre Caizergues, ‘George Borrow: A picturesque European’.
Ridler, Ann M., A Possible Precursor of Borrow’s Lord Whitefeather?
Skillman, Mike, Real People in Wild Wales.
Abrahams, Mandi, A post-script.
Gurney, Patricia, Charlotte Bronte reads Borrow.
Murphy, Martin, Travellers in Spain.
Laurie, Kedrun; Ridler Ann M., In Borrow’s Country — a mystery article.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 13 (Autumn 2016)
Membership of the Society; Obituaries.
Membership Issues.
Recent events (including a report on our visit to Epping).
Future events.
Activities of the Executive Committee.
von Kaenel-Flatt, Jessica, The Heath and the Drawing-Room: Representation and Reality in George Borrow’s Lavengro and The Romany Rye.
Rawbone, Michael, Bottom’s Dream: Arno Schmidt and George Borrow.
Keeton, Simon, A View from the Castle: Borrow and his Victorian peers via the photographs of Francis Frith.
Keeton, Simon, Edinburgh’s bickers.
Ridler, Ann M., George Borrow at Sheringham, Norfolk.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow and Dickens.
Skillman, Mike, Places Mentioned in Wild Wales: Pengwern Hall, Llangollen.
Ridler, Ann M., Another Visitor to Anglesey.
Ridler, Ann M., The Lavengro Press.
The George Borrow Trust.
Borrow Dreaming.
Chas Parry-Jones and the Penmynydd Road.
Report on the George Borrow Society’s visit to Anglesey on 13–15 May 2016.
Fielder, Tony, The Anglesey Weekend.
Grove-White, Robin, Anglesey in the 1850s.
Wilkins-Jones, Clive, The Tenth Fraser Memorial Lecture: Translating a Dream: George Borrow’s Vision of Ellis Wynne’s Gweledigaetheu y Bardd Cwsc (The Sleeping Bard).
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 14 (Spring 2017)
Membership of the Society; Obituary.
Christmas lunch on 3 December 2016 at the Hereford Arms, South Kensington.
Establishment of the Society's Twitter Account @georgeborrowsoc.
Proposed visit to North Norfolk in October 2017.
Keeton, Simon, Borrow's Turkish Jester—a personal interpretation.
Addendum: The Turkish Jester reviewed in 1834.
Price, David, George Borrow's son-in-law: Notes towards a Biography of William MacOubrey, Part 1.
Fiske, Ron, By-paths in Dereham history.
Bean, Tom, The Murray 1843 and 1844 Colonial and Home/Home and Colonial Editions of The Bible in Spain.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow in Albania.
Jones, Myfanwy Bennett, Borrow and the Miller: George Borrow ym Mro'r Arwydd (in the district of the Arwydd), Ionawr—January, 1985.
Skillman, Mike, The clergyman of M—.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow and the Masons.
Friends of the George Borrow Society, How I came to be drawn to Borrow.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 15 (Autumn 2017)
Membership of the Society.
Obituary: Liz Clough.
Obituary: Richard Burleigh.
Recent events.
Future events.
Keeton, Simon, Dafydd’s Girls.
Price, David, George Borrow’s Son-in-law: Notes towards a Biography of William MacOubrey, Part 2.
Gosling, Martin, Jefferey Farnol and Shades of Borrow.
Skillman, Mike, Borrow’s Dingle.
Skillman, Mike, Borrow’s Gypsies and Christianity.
Bouchard, Brian, John (Jack) Cooper, The Fighting Gypsy: Bare-Knuckle Fighting on Epsom Downs.
Keeton, Simon, Ben Brain—an apology.
Ridler, Ann M., By-paths in Dereham History, a postscript.
Russell, Jonathan, To Walk like Borrow.
Gosling, Martin, Odds and Ends, some notes on commemoration of Borrow’s name.
Kerrigan, Colm, Murillo Paintings, Real or Imaginary? Borrow in Palencia.
Ridler, Ann M., The Peter Williams Welsh Bible.
Rawbone, Michael, Treading the Dance.
Murphy, Martin, George Borrow in Tipperary 1815–1816, by Colm Kerrigan.
George Borrow Bulletin 2nd Series nº 16 (Spring 2018)
Membership of the Society: obituary.
Future events.
Fiske, Ron, North Walsham and the Fight ‘par excellence’.
Pattinson, Graham, In the tracks of Borrow around Llangollen in 2018 (Part 1).
Skillman, Mike, Peter Williams, the preacher of Lavengro.
Bean, Tom, Robert Cooke.
Ridler, Ann M., Borrow and the Planet Jupiter.
Mawtus, Mark, The Gypsy marriages of the ‘noble and numerous family of Tolstoy’.
Notes from the Friends of the George Borrow Society Facebook page.
Missler, Peter, Captain George Henry Borrow.
Barrett, Richard, A note on the Baptist chapel near Ruthin.
Ridler, Ann M., Our member John Bainbridge and the Bow Street Society.
Murphy, Martin, Manuel Serrano Vélez, El discreto heterodoxo: Luis de Usoz and La librería secreta de Luis de Usoz, 1805–1865.
Keeton, Simon, Ken Barrett, ed., George Borrow en España: Reacción, Religión y Reencuentro.
Spotted on the Internet.
The Lavengro Press.
Ridler, Ann M., Indexes to the Bulletin.
Borrow Dreaming.
Ridler, Ann M., Food for Thought—Problems of biography.
Fielder, Tony, Report on the George Borrow Society’s Visit to King’s Lynn 13–15 October 2017.
Hentges, John, Lines to Six-Foot-Three—His own Hero?
Clive Wilkins-Jones, Smoking Sheets and Biting Bed-Bugs? Borrow and Hotels.
Nuttall, David, A Toast to Borrow.
Report on the Biennial General Meeting of the George Borrow Society held on 14 October 2017.
Report of the Meeting of the Executive Committee held on 14 October 2017.
The First Page of Borrow’s Norfolk Diaries, 1856–1857.